Legend’s First Birthday

“Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart.”

Winnie The Pooh

My first born, my baby boy, turned one a few weeks ago! He’s getting to the age where he really knows what’s going on around him and is starting to mimic things he observes like mom shaking her head “No” at him. His favorite things currently are all things outdoors, swinging, DOGS (especially his dog Rosie), the bath, and his car he got for his birthday. He has such a calm, sweet demeanor and blows his Dad and I away with how smart he is. He learns so quickly and with little effort to teach him on our part. Motherhood has changed my heart in ways I never saw coming. I’m so grateful to be a mom.

For Legend’s first birthday I picked classic Pooh theme. In the coming years I know he’s going to start having an opinion on what he wants for his birthday so I had to squeeze my childhood favorite in while I could! My brother Preston flew in the morning of and surprised us and it truly made my whole day. So thoughtful and sweet (picture of them both below).

My promise to you Legend Riley.. I promise to treasure you and every moment I have with you. I promise to truly experience every milestone, every moment, every emotion and every stage. One thing I’ve learned over your first year is that time goes by way too fast and with that does every single stage. Sometimes life happens way too fast for my heart and soul to process, but I’ll never wish a day with you away. There’s something extra special about you and I can’t wait to watch you take over this world.

Tables: Idaho Bell Tents

Balloons: Hello Honey Boise

Table Top Decor: Innovative Rentalz

Light Up Letters: Alpha Lit Boise

Cake: Cakes By Blythe